When we're asked what we want for Christmas,all to often our answer is to name some material thing we'd like.May I ask you a question,when you are celebrating the day you where born who is it that gets the gift? Right,it's you.So then,with the month of December being the month in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, why should you be expecting a gift? Has anyone ever shared with you when it's someone else's birthday,it's them that gets the gift not you? Think about it for all these years you've been making a fool of yourself about Christmas.If in fact it is December when Jesus was born,then it is His birthday.Now let's sat the record straight it is you who should be getting a gift for the church in the name of Jesus for the ministry of God.With the love of God for the people of God we here at The KING'S SCROLL bid you all a very MARY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.