Sunday, January 29, 2012

His Own!

Through creation and redemption we belong to the Savior.If we do not recognize His right of ownership,We will not be able to receive Him and will cut ourself off from Our Savior and Redeemer.It is only in Christ can We find our happiness in this world and for all eternity.Read;John:C-1:v11.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do You Have An Answer?

The day is comeing when,Jesus will asks you about your life's work here on earth.If you haven't yet fully grasped what God want you to do.Today is a good day to ask him.You have to hand it to the disciples.While they rarely understood anything Jesus did or said,they were always ready to claim they did.Who,after all,wants to appear ignorant when the teacher asks a question?In the gospel the disciples ask Jesus to explain the parable of the sower.His response comes in the form of more parables-comparing the kingdom of heaven to treasure hidden in a field,a pearl of great price,and a great net cast into the sea.They all sound nice but they are hardly helpful explanations at the time.Never mind.The apostles were watching and listening with pre-resurrection eyes and ears.Living , as we do on this side of the resurrection,you do know that,God loves you anyway.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

How To Go To Heaven In Code!

Romans C-3;12b,22b-23. Romans C-4:16a. John C-3:16. Romans C-6:23a. Romans C-5:8
Romans C-6:23 Romans C-5:8 Isaiah C-53:5,6b Galatians C-2:21 Romans C-6:23b Romans C-10:9-10,13 .Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved... Acts C-16:31.These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life,and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. P.S.,Happy M.L.King,Jr. Day.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What's Your Vision For The New Year? (Part 2 )

When God give you a vision you're likely to be placed in a field of opportunities concealed under acres of
obstacles.Then God will stand back and watch how you engage in the ministry of obstacle management! But
remember to walk in faith and refuse to quit,God guarantees your obstacles won't prevent your vision from
being fulfilled.For you will have some bad and good days as God give the strength to over life's efforts to
break you. ( 2 Corinthians C-4: v-8 Thu 9 ).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What's Your Vision For The New Year?

Visions come with opportunities-and obstacles! Fulfilling your life's vision depends on, 1.) Have a vision-which calls for waiting on God until He reveals His plan for you. 2.)Dedicating time and energy to it -which
calls for patience and discipline. 3.)Knowing how to overcome obstacles-which calls for good management.
The Bible says: "Where there is no vision,the people perish" ( Pr.C-29;v18).If you don't have a dream,how can it come true? A vision gives you direction,creativity and resilience.Without one you become passive,
aimless and vulnerable to quitting. God can give you a vision instantly but its fulfillment will require learning,
practicing,and managing life's daily challenges.For the next few weeks we'll share some vision-fulfilling