Sunday, February 26, 2012


Christianity is Christ--it involves a principle of life which pulsates with divine energy and cannot be explained apart from God Himself. It is essentially miraculous even though it does not have to be sensational. It is always supernatural, in that it lies beyond the scope of mortal man apart from the indwelling presence of the risen Son of God. Within the sixty-six books of  the Bible,the Book of Esther speak to Christianity very well. You  may be somewhat surprised at my choice of the Book of Esther for this particular purpose,but I know of no other single book in the whole of the Old Testament more lucidly illustrates the principles governing the Christian life. Nor is there a book which demonstrates more clearly what  spiritual new birth really involves and what conditions must be met,to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to become effective for God. Within the pages of the Book of Esther there is to be found a wealth of understanding concerning the implications of true discipleship,and concerning that relentless war for final supremacy being waged within the soul of man between good and evil--between God and the devil. It is fascinating beyond description to find the unfolding of the story,so meticulous an explanation of so much that often baffles the honest but hard-pressed believer.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Settle Your Disagreement,You Can't Afford To Live Without God's Blessing!

Euodia and Syntyche were two women who worked with Paul in building the church.Yet sadly,the only mention of them in Scripture is that they couldn't get along with one another.That's not good,because God's blessing is predicated upon our willingness to forgive,and to love one another.Jesus said: "Therefore I say unto you,what ever  you ask when you pray,believe that you receive it,and you will have them. And whenever you pray,if you have anything against anyone,forgive him,that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses" ( Mark C-11:v24-25 ).You can't pray effectively when you have "something against anyone." Even if the other person is wrong,let God use you to make a change.Tell them you want a healed relationship,then apologize. It may take more than a U-turn to make up the distance between you,but each step will make the distance much shorter.Do this in the Grace of God,this is part of it.Remember ,when you forgive someone,you position yourself  beyond condemnation; at that point God can bless you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Every Thing You See ,Is Not What It Seem's The Real Black Heritage!

Today let us examine our prejudices,our expectations of others,and our biases;and may we drink deeply of Christ's compassion for all.On the last day of the feast of the Tabernacles,where water ceremonies and prayers for rain had been offered, Jesus spoke of himself as the source of water from heaven."Let anyone who is thirty come to me,"he said (John C-7:v37). These words divided the people and created enough of a disturbance to merit the calling of the temple police of that day.You see even when Jesus was here, there was people who was prejudice.In both his background and in the content of his teaching and preaching,was not what people were expecting in a Messiah. Still,in the church today there are many issues that would divide us and bring us into conflict.The ministry of Jesus,Galilean carpenter who healed on the Sabbath and spoke of himself as bread of life and source of water from heaven--reminds us that our expectations and presuppositons can be wrong,just as many were wrong in Jesus' day about Him.